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Ultimele numere
World Dental Daily Hong Kong 2012 Advanced Issue
FDI World Dental Federation showcases future vision in Hong Kong / Professor Chen Zhu to receive first FDI award / FDI Hong Kong 2012: sentimental - political - visionary / Refocus on the relevance and importance of dental health; Interview with Prof. Lakshman Samaranayake / Business / Floor plan / Exhibitors list / 22 tips for visitors to Hong Kong / Useful information /
FDI World Dental Federation showcases future vision in Hong Kong
01 - 01 -
Professor Chen Zhu to receive first FDI award
02 - 02 -
FDI Hong Kong 2012: sentimental - political - visionary
04 - 04 -
Refocus on the relevance and importance of dental health; Interview with Prof. Lakshman Samaranayake
05 - 05 -
06 - 06 -
Floor plan
08 - 09 -
Exhibitors list
10 - 11 -
22 tips for visitors to Hong Kong
12 - 12 -
Useful information
15 - 15