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Ultimele numere
IADS Magazine international No. 1, 2023
Cover / Foreword / Content / Executive Committee / Chairpersons of standing comittees / Regional ambassadors / 69th IADS congress / IADS Experience / Country profile: Ecuador / IADS stories: Dr Kyle Stanley / The importance of laser therapy in preventive and curative dentistry / Oil pulling - fact or cap? / Hall of fame / Open barrier - membrane technique with post-extraction implant / The ripple effect / IADS lite / Acknowledgement /
1 - 1 -
3 - 3 -
4 - 5 -
Executive Committee
6 - 6 -
Chairpersons of standing comittees
7 - 7 -
Regional ambassadors
8 - 8 -
69th IADS congress
10 - 11 -
IADS Experience
12 - 17 -
Country profile: Ecuador
18 - 21 -
IADS stories: Dr Kyle Stanley
22 - 26 -
The importance of laser therapy in preventive and curative dentistry
27 - 27 -
Oil pulling - fact or cap?
28 - 29 -
Hall of fame
30 - 33 -
Open barrier - membrane technique with post-extraction implant
36 - 38 -
The ripple effect
40 - 41 -
IADS lite
42 - 43 -
44 - 44