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IADS Magazine international No.1, 2017

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IADS Magazine international No.1, 2017

Cover / Editorial / Content / Illegal practice of Dentistry / IADS endodontic scholarship - Florence 2018 / Interview with Dr. Smile / Depression and dentistry are they really related? / 5th International Students’ Dental Conference / Freedom of speech - How could it affect the quality of our dental and medical practice? / Patients versus requirements / RDSA as the first IADS Association to host IADS HR TNT / Country profile - Czech Republic / How robots are changing the game in dentistry / Dr. Esti Riyanda: “You must make the choice to take a chance or your life will never change” / Aesthetics Meets Synergetics in Istanbul Summer Camp / When Orthodontics clears the future. / Entrevista con Dr. Montalvo / Dental Tourism - Who travel more – patients or dentists? / IADS lite / 64th IADS Annual Congress in Madrid, Spain 2017 /
