DT Pakistan No. 1, 2014 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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DT Pakistan No. 1, 2014

Ultimele numere

DT Pakistan No. 1, 2014

The President of India to inaugurate FDI 2014 / IDP camps provide unique Polio vaccination opportunity / FDA changes recommendations on lidocaine for teething pain / Amalgam recycling starts in Brazil / Stop hurting your patients! Deliver the “WOW experience” and watch your practice grow / Diagnosis 2014: The things you need to know for successful endodontic treatment / Diagnosis 2014: The things you need to know for successful endodontic treatment / Periodontal therapy may improve heart health in highrisk populations / Dental Tribune Pakistan hosts iftar dinner / Henry Schein acquires Sirona Dental’s French distribution business / Expert symposium on implantology encourages patient centric treatment approach /
