Dental Tribunes
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DT Middle East & Africa Edition No. 5, 2024
CAPP and DentAlliance announce partnership to support dental education / News / Industry / Conservative and necessary: How occlusion can affect a single-tooth replacement / Dr. Galip Gürel conducts his signature APT (Aesthetic Pre-evaluative Temporary) Veneers Course at CAPP in Dubai / “The future of dentistry lies in predictive, personalized, and data-driven care” Interview with Prof. Falk Schwendicke / The transformative power of AI in dentistry / “No success happens without proper awareness and education to parents.” Interview with Dr Rafi f Tayara / “Everyone has a role to play in tackling antimicrobial resistance”: What’s yours? Interview with Dr Wendy Thompson / Motivating your team / New study shows bacteria love some restorative materials more than others / News /