DT Asia Pacific - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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DT Asia Pacific

Ultimele numere

DT Asia Pacific

Smoking Cessation Counseling in the Dental Practice / APDF Newsletter Part 1 / Study Finds Direct Association Between Cardiovascular Disease and Periodontal Bacteria / Gene Therapy Promising for Growing Tooth-Supporting Bone / Six Step Strategy for a Superior Hire / APDF Newsletter Part 2 / The Importance of Scripts / The “Third” Statistic: Searching for the Root Cause of Practice Stress / Fighting Pain with Needles / A Review of Membranes in Surgical Dental Practice / Smoking Cessation Counseling in the Dental Practice (continued from page 1) / The Road to Excellent Endodontics: One such path… / Comparing Endo Instruments: Morphology & Application / First Impressions / Industry Report / Meetings & More / Meetings & More / What’s Happening Around the Globe? /
