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Ultimele numere
ortho international No. 2, 2020
Cover / Editorial / Content / Auto-administered photobiomodulation: A new way to make orthodontic treatment faster and more comfortable? / New Age orthodontics and orthopaedics with temporary anchorage devices: Unlocking our clinical potential / Is orthodontic treatment compatible with a healthy periodontium? A narrative review / Successful treatment outcomes using 3M Clarity Ultra Self-Ligating Brackets bonded using a digital flash-free bonding technique / Accelerated aligners with photobiomodulation / Artificial intelligence shifts consumer behaviour and impacts dentistry / How COVID-19 has forced us all to relook our practices, lives and goals / Will COVID-19 push orthodontics further into the digital space? / In-office aligners: Taking control of orthodontic laboratory expenses / Interview with Dr Jean-Marc Dersot: Orthodontists should see their patients through the eyes of a periodontist / Clear aligner treatment models jostle for acceptance in the pandemic / Clinical director of CA DIGITAL joins inviSolution / First digital Invisalign Scientific Symposium: Scientific data, shared experiences, peer recognition, social responsibility / Submission Guidelines / Imprint /
01 - 01 -
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Auto-administered photobiomodulation: A new way to make orthodontic treatment faster and more comfortable?
06 - 09 -
New Age orthodontics and orthopaedics with temporary anchorage devices: Unlocking our clinical potential
10 - 21 -
Is orthodontic treatment compatible with a healthy periodontium? A narrative review
22 - 25 -
Successful treatment outcomes using 3M Clarity Ultra Self-Ligating Brackets bonded using a digital flash-free bonding technique
26 - 33 -
Accelerated aligners with photobiomodulation
34 - 39 -
Artificial intelligence shifts consumer behaviour and impacts dentistry
40 - 46 -
How COVID-19 has forced us all to relook our practices, lives and goals
48 - 50 -
Will COVID-19 push orthodontics further into the digital space?
52 - 53 -
In-office aligners: Taking control of orthodontic laboratory expenses
54 - 57 -
Interview with Dr Jean-Marc Dersot: Orthodontists should see their patients through the eyes of a periodontist
58 - 59 -
Clear aligner treatment models jostle for acceptance in the pandemic
60 - 61 -
Clinical director of CA DIGITAL joins inviSolution
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First digital Invisalign Scientific Symposium: Scientific data, shared experiences, peer recognition, social responsibility
64 - 66 -
Submission Guidelines
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