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Ultimele numere
ortho international No. 2, 2018
Cover / Editorial / Content / Anti-ageing medicine and orthodontic appliance therapy treatment: An interdisciplinary approach / Non-extraction treatment of severe crowding with the aid of cyclic forces and corticotomy / Tooth whitening and orthodontics: The icing on the cake / New concepts in aligner therapy with the orthocaps system / Embracing Sagittal First treatment—The Carriere Motion 3D Appliance: Revolutionising Class II and Class III corrections / ICD—Honouring the world’s leading dentists since 1920 / Planmeca orthodontics—Choose the right tools for you / Manufacturer news / Meetings / Submission Guidelines / Imprint /
01 - 01 -
03 - 03 -
04 - 04 -
Anti-ageing medicine and orthodontic appliance therapy treatment: An interdisciplinary approach
06 - 10 -
Non-extraction treatment of severe crowding with the aid of cyclic forces and corticotomy
12 - 16 -
Tooth whitening and orthodontics: The icing on the cake
18 - 22 -
New concepts in aligner therapy with the orthocaps system
24 - 28 -
Embracing Sagittal First treatment—The Carriere Motion 3D Appliance: Revolutionising Class II and Class III corrections
30 - 33 -
ICD—Honouring the world’s leading dentists since 1920
34 - 35 -
Planmeca orthodontics—Choose the right tools for you
36 - 36 -
Manufacturer news
38 - 38 -
40 - 44 -
Submission Guidelines
45 - 45 -
46 - 46