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Ultimele numere
ortho international No. 2, 2017
Cover / Editorial / Content / Virtual reality and orthodontics: A new patient experience / Tongue star 2 (TS2) – System for rapid open bite closure / Use of diode laser in the treatment of gingival enlargement during orthodontic treatment: Case report / Orthodontic management of maxillary lateral incisors agenesis / Maxillary molar distalisation with aligners and cyclic forces / Oral hygiene in orthodontics / Structo’s high throughput dental 3-D printers help lay foundation for dental chain to launch own brand of clear aligners / Sensorimotor training with RehaBite during orthodontic treatment / Manufacturer news / Meetings / Submission guidelines / Imprint /
01 - 01 -
03 - 03 -
04 - 04 -
Virtual reality and orthodontics: A new patient experience
06 - 08 -
Tongue star 2 (TS2) – System for rapid open bite closure
10 - 15 -
Use of diode laser in the treatment of gingival enlargement during orthodontic treatment: Case report
16 - 18 -
Orthodontic management of maxillary lateral incisors agenesis
20 - 24 -
Maxillary molar distalisation with aligners and cyclic forces
26 - 31 -
Oral hygiene in orthodontics
32 - 33 -
Structo’s high throughput dental 3-D printers help lay foundation for dental chain to launch own brand of clear aligners
34 - 36 -
Sensorimotor training with RehaBite during orthodontic treatment
38 - 39 -
Manufacturer news
40 - 42 -
44 - 46 -
Submission guidelines
49 - 49 -
50 - 50