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Ultimele numere
ortho international No. 1, 2021
Cover / Editorial / Content / Post-orthodontic restorative approach for young patients with missing anterior teeth: No-preparation and ultraconservative techniques / The importance of treatment planning and patient compliance in the clear aligner orthodontic technique / Clear aligner orthodontic treatment of a complex malocclusion / Minimum touch orthodontics: Giving patients security and freedom / Recognising and avoiding negative stress and burn-out / Stars and social media influencers are turning clicks into clear aligner cases / Inspired by the Maya—skull and tooth reconstruction with 3D printing / Can Slow Dentistry be digital? / COVID tongue—dentists urged to remain alert to symptoms in the oral cavity / Sustainable dentistry is a philosophy that offers the best version of ourselves / I-arch: Innovation in the biomechanics approach / Imprint /
01 - 01 -
03 - 03 -
04 - 04 -
Post-orthodontic restorative approach for young patients with missing anterior teeth: No-preparation and ultraconservative techniques
06 - 11 -
The importance of treatment planning and patient compliance in the clear aligner orthodontic technique
12 - 21 -
Clear aligner orthodontic treatment of a complex malocclusion
22 - 26 -
Minimum touch orthodontics: Giving patients security and freedom
28 - 30 -
Recognising and avoiding negative stress and burn-out
32 - 35 -
Stars and social media influencers are turning clicks into clear aligner cases
36 - 37 -
Inspired by the Maya—skull and tooth reconstruction with 3D printing
38 - 43 -
Can Slow Dentistry be digital?
44 - 47 -
COVID tongue—dentists urged to remain alert to symptoms in the oral cavity
48 - 49 -
Sustainable dentistry is a philosophy that offers the best version of ourselves
50 - 51 -
I-arch: Innovation in the biomechanics approach
52 - 52 -
54 - 54