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Ultimele numere
ortho international No. 1, 2019
Cover / Editorial / Content / Provisional restoration of missing anterior teeth: A 3-D printing application / Mouth-breathing, malocclusion and the restoration of nasal breathing / New JVBarre maxillary segmental distaliser and BiTurbo2 system for greater aesthetics, effective and efficient skeletal Class II treatment: Control of canine over-extrusion and bodily maxillary molar distalisation / Interview with Dr Sean K. Carlson: Three-dimensional “technologies are going to become the standard of care” / Maestro 3D Three ways to create transfers for indirect bonding / I choose high; this is why… / Manufacturer news / Meetings / Submission Guidelines / Imprint /
01 - 01 -
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Provisional restoration of missing anterior teeth: A 3-D printing application
06 - 07 -
Mouth-breathing, malocclusion and the restoration of nasal breathing
08 - 12 -
New JVBarre maxillary segmental distaliser and BiTurbo2 system for greater aesthetics, effective and efficient skeletal Class II treatment: Control of canine over-extrusion and bodily maxillary molar distalisation
14 - 19 -
Interview with Dr Sean K. Carlson: Three-dimensional “technologies are going to become the standard of care”
20 - 22 -
Maestro 3D Three ways to create transfers for indirect bonding
24 - 26 -
I choose high; this is why…
28 - 32 -
Manufacturer news
34 - 34 -
36 - 40 -
Submission Guidelines
41 - 41 -
42 - 42