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ortho international No. 1, 2017

Ultimele numere

ortho international No. 1, 2017

Cover / Editorial / Content / Taking on work in progress in practice transaction / My complete conversion - London lingual orthodontics provider Dr Asif Chatoo describes his navigation of digital technology / The role of 3-D imaging systems in present orthodontics / Interview: “In the not so distant future - half of all treatments will be done with aligners” / Creative adjuncts for clear aligners to improve predictability / Widening the scope of aligner application: A case report / Sagittal First / BiTurbo2 (BT2) system for rapid deep overbite correction / Have fun - will brush: Improving orthodontic outcomes with effective home care / Industry News / Manufacturer News / Meetings / International Events / Submission guidelines / Imprint /
