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implants international No. 4, 2022
Cover / Editorial / Content / Development of a new guided sleeve made of zirconia dioxide - Application for surgical guides in dental implantology / Snake technique in the treatment of posterior peri-implantvsoft-tissue defects / Guided one-stage and two-stageimplant placement in the anterior zone - A three-year follow-up / Peri-implant bone augmentation using the subperiosteal periimplant augmented layer technique and a bovine-derived bone block / Simultaneous implantation and augmentation of a buccal bone defect with biologised bone substitute material / Screw-retained restoration of maxillary right first molar and second premolar / Interview: The X factor in implant dentistry / Manufacturer news / Events / News / Imprint /
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Development of a new guided sleeve made of zirconia dioxide - Application for surgical guides in dental implantology
6 - 11 -
Snake technique in the treatment of posterior peri-implantvsoft-tissue defects
12 - 17 -
Guided one-stage and two-stageimplant placement in the anterior zone - A three-year follow-up
18 - 22 -
Peri-implant bone augmentation using the subperiosteal periimplant augmented layer technique and a bovine-derived bone block
24 - 26 -
Simultaneous implantation and augmentation of a buccal bone defect with biologised bone substitute material
28 - 30 -
Screw-retained restoration of maxillary right first molar and second premolar
32 - 33 -
Interview: The X factor in implant dentistry
34 - 35 -
Manufacturer news
36 - 37 -
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