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Ultimele numere
implants international No. 4, 2020
Cover / Editorial / Content / Professional implant management / SEM investigation of implant surface characteristics / Mandibular dentigerous cyst - Enucleation and bone reconstruction / Combining standard and ultrashort implants in full-mouth rehabilitation - 18 months of follow-up / Interproximal root spreading for narrow implant placement / Immediate placement of a new fully tapered tissue-level implant / Practice strategies in the time of the coronavirus / Manufacturer news / News / Imprint /
01 - 01 -
03 - 03 -
04 - 04 -
Professional implant management
06 - 12 -
SEM investigation of implant surface characteristics
14 - 15 -
Mandibular dentigerous cyst - Enucleation and bone reconstruction
16 - 20 -
Combining standard and ultrashort implants in full-mouth rehabilitation - 18 months of follow-up
22 - 26 -
Interproximal root spreading for narrow implant placement
28 - 31 -
Immediate placement of a new fully tapered tissue-level implant
32 - 33 -
Practice strategies in the time of the coronavirus
34 - 35 -
Manufacturer news
36 - 39 -
40 - 40 -
41 - 41