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Ultimele numere
implants international No. 4, 2017
Cover / Editorial / Content / Titanium and its alloys in dental implantology / Rehabilitation of edentulous patients / Rehabilitation of edentulous arches / Digital workflow: From planning to restoration / A clinical comparison / Manufacturer News / Interview: “Implantology is a field of opportunities” / Interview: Putting TiUnite to the test / Events / News / Imprint /
01 - 01 -
03 - 03 -
04 - 04 -
Titanium and its alloys in dental implantology
06 - 10 -
Rehabilitation of edentulous patients
12 - 19 -
Rehabilitation of edentulous arches
20 - 29 -
Digital workflow: From planning to restoration
32 - 36 -
A clinical comparison
38 - 41 -
Manufacturer News
42 - 47 -
Interview: “Implantology is a field of opportunities”
48 - 49 -
Interview: Putting TiUnite to the test
50 - 51 -
52 - 62 -
63 - 65 -
66 - 66