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implants international No. 4, 2015
Cover / Editorial / Conent / Incidence of postoperative infections in dental procedures / Abutment fracture in a bridge supported by natural teeth and implants / Minimally invasive implant placement without the use of biomaterials: The bone expansion technique / CAD/CAM custom-milled titanium bar for rehabilitation of an atrophic upper jaw / Complete reconstruction for a patient with chronic tooth decay The damage undone / Digital precision for all indications / Manufacturer News / Event / News / Imprint /
01 - 01 -
03 - 03 -
04 - 04 -
Incidence of postoperative infections in dental procedures
06 - 12 -
Abutment fracture in a bridge supported by natural teeth and implants
14 - 18 -
Minimally invasive implant placement without the use of biomaterials: The bone expansion technique
20 - 24 -
CAD/CAM custom-milled titanium bar for rehabilitation of an atrophic upper jaw
26 - 31 -
Complete reconstruction for a patient with chronic tooth decay The damage undone
32 - 37 -
Digital precision for all indications
38 - 39 -
Manufacturer News
40 - 41 -
42 - 47 -
48 - 49 -
50 - 50