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Ultimele numere
implants international No. 4, 2014
Cover / Editorial / Content / Clinical and radiological performance of short implants / Permanent implant prostheses / Improvements in digital implant prosthetics / Manufacturer News / Dental implant competitors shake things up / Cost–benefit and affordability of dental implant restorations / Dentistry from the heart: Dr Suheil Michael Boutros / “Taking the advantages of digital dentistry to a new level” / Is continuing education of implant dentistry sending the wrong message? / Simplifying dental implant treatment / On the test bench: Concepts for implantology / „Hold the profile of the DGZI and intensify contacts to other scientific societies” / Bone & tissue days 2014 / Dentium World Symposium / News / About the publisher /
01 - 01 -
03 - 03 -
04 - 04 -
Clinical and radiological performance of short implants
06 - 13 -
Permanent implant prostheses
14 - 17 -
Improvements in digital implant prosthetics
18 - 20 -
Manufacturer News
22 - 25 -
Dental implant competitors shake things up
26 - 27 -
Cost–benefit and affordability of dental implant restorations
28 - 30 -
Dentistry from the heart: Dr Suheil Michael Boutros
32 - 33 -
“Taking the advantages of digital dentistry to a new level”
34 - 35 -
Is continuing education of implant dentistry sending the wrong message?
36 - 37 -
Simplifying dental implant treatment
38 - 39 -
On the test bench: Concepts for implantology
40 - 43 -
„Hold the profile of the DGZI and intensify contacts to other scientific societies”
44 - 45 -
Bone & tissue days 2014
46 - 46 -
Dentium World Symposium
47 - 47 -
48 - 49 -
About the publisher
50 - 50