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Ultimele numere
implants international No. 4, 2013
Cover / Editorial / Content / Retromolar bone grafts prior to implant placement / Anew technique for the preparation of the implant site / Ridge augmentation for an atrophied posterior mandible—Part III / Vertical bone augmentation procedures—Part I / Arevision of an unaesthetic reconstruction / Extensive implant-supported restoration in generalised aggressive periodontitis / Immediate implant placement with the NNC implant / Manufacturer News / Geistlich Pharma / Practice-oriented implantology at the DGZI Annual Congress / 22ndAnnual Scientific Meeting of theEAO / Schütz Dental and DGZI host “Implantology and Anatomy” / News / The editors of implants would like to thank all authors for dedicating their time and efforts to this year’s issues. / About the publisher /
01 - 01 -
03 - 03 -
04 - 04 -
Retromolar bone grafts prior to implant placement
06 - 12 -
Anew technique for the preparation of the implant site
14 - 21 -
Ridge augmentation for an atrophied posterior mandible—Part III
22 - 25 -
Vertical bone augmentation procedures—Part I
26 - 29 -
Arevision of an unaesthetic reconstruction
30 - 33 -
Extensive implant-supported restoration in generalised aggressive periodontitis
34 - 37 -
Immediate implant placement with the NNC implant
38 - 40 -
Manufacturer News
42 - 43 -
Geistlich Pharma
44 - 44 -
Practice-oriented implantology at the DGZI Annual Congress
45 - 45 -
22ndAnnual Scientific Meeting of theEAO
46 - 46 -
Schütz Dental and DGZI host “Implantology and Anatomy”
47 - 47 -
48 - 48 -
The editors of implants would like to thank all authors for dedicating their time and efforts to this year’s issues.
49 - 49 -
About the publisher
50 - 50