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Ultimele numere
implants international No. 3, 2023
Cover / Editorial / Content / Immediate aesthetic single-unit anterior restoration using a Grand Morse implant / The transparent gingiva project - Non-invasive measurement of the height and width of the peri-implant soft tissue using an enhanced digital merging methodology / Immediate loading of a final fixed prosthesis in the edentulous maxilla on Straumann BLX implants / Immune sustainability on titanium implants? - Osteoimmunology and osseointegration as an interplay of dissolved titanium particles / Industry / Manufacturer news / Events / Imprint /
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Immediate aesthetic single-unit anterior restoration using a Grand Morse implant
6 - 10 -
The transparent gingiva project - Non-invasive measurement of the height and width of the peri-implant soft tissue using an enhanced digital merging methodology
12 - 21 -
Immediate loading of a final fixed prosthesis in the edentulous maxilla on Straumann BLX implants
22 - 29 -
Immune sustainability on titanium implants? - Osteoimmunology and osseointegration as an interplay of dissolved titanium particles
30 - 32 -
34 - 37 -
Manufacturer news
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42 - 42