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Ultimele numere
implants international No. 3, 2021
Cover / Editorial / Content / Delayed immediate implant placement and direct soft-tissue management / Restorative simplicity for a challenging case with limited space / Immediate fixed full-arch rehabilitation of periodontitis patients / Graft volumetric changes of collagenated xenograft - For the 3D reconstruction of atrophic maxillae / Dental lasers against peri-implantitis / Successful rehabilitation of an anterior tooth / On remaining vigilant - An interview with Julien Benhamou, TBR, France / The inventor of the Bicon system has passed away Thomas Driskell, 1928—2021 / Manufacturer news / Dental implant quality under scrutiny / News / Imprint /
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Delayed immediate implant placement and direct soft-tissue management
6 - 12 -
Restorative simplicity for a challenging case with limited space
14 - 15 -
Immediate fixed full-arch rehabilitation of periodontitis patients
16 - 22 -
Graft volumetric changes of collagenated xenograft - For the 3D reconstruction of atrophic maxillae
24 - 32 -
Dental lasers against peri-implantitis
34 - 35 -
Successful rehabilitation of an anterior tooth
36 - 37 -
On remaining vigilant - An interview with Julien Benhamou, TBR, France
38 - 39 -
The inventor of the Bicon system has passed away Thomas Driskell, 1928—2021
40 - 40 -
Manufacturer news
42 - 44 -
Dental implant quality under scrutiny
46 - 47 -
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