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implants international No. 3, 2019
Cover / Editorial / Content / Single-tooth replacement using CBCT matching and virtual wax-up / Single tooth restoration with the one-tooth one-time technique / Implant treatment of heavy smokers with critical bone situations / Initial stability after placement of a new buttress-threaded implant / Interview: Good practice guidelines for implant dentistry / Interview: Combining strengths towards further evolution / Manufacturer news / Game changer? Nobel Biocare launches new implant system / Events / News / Imprint /
01 - 01 -
03 - 03 -
04 - 04 -
Single-tooth replacement using CBCT matching and virtual wax-up
06 - 12 -
Single tooth restoration with the one-tooth one-time technique
14 - 18 -
Implant treatment of heavy smokers with critical bone situations
20 - 22 -
Initial stability after placement of a new buttress-threaded implant
24 - 28 -
Interview: Good practice guidelines for implant dentistry
30 - 31 -
Interview: Combining strengths towards further evolution
32 - 33 -
Manufacturer news
34 - 40 -
Game changer? Nobel Biocare launches new implant system
42 - 43 -
44 - 46 -
48 - 49 -
50 - 50