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Ultimele numere
implants international No. 2, 2021
Cover / Editorial / Content / Successful immediate implant loading—According to the Socket Shield Technique / Rehabilitation of the anterior maxillary area with immediate implant placement / A new approach for patients on direct oral anti-coagulant medication / Combining orthodontics with a zirconia collar implant / Correction of a vertical fracture and a subsequent infection / Full-mouth implant reconstruction using zygomatic and standard implants / Industry / Manufacturer news / Events / Imprint /
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Successful immediate implant loading—According to the Socket Shield Technique
6 - 10 -
Rehabilitation of the anterior maxillary area with immediate implant placement
12 - 16 -
A new approach for patients on direct oral anti-coagulant medication
17 - 20 -
Combining orthodontics with a zirconia collar implant
22 - 24 -
Correction of a vertical fracture and a subsequent infection
26 - 27 -
Full-mouth implant reconstruction using zygomatic and standard implants
28 - 32 -
34 - 35 -
Manufacturer news
36 - 38 -
39 - 41 -
42 - 42