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Ultimele numere
implants international No. 2, 2019
Cover / Editorial / Content / L-PRF in different intraoral applications Part IV: Three preparation protocols / Horizontal ridge augmentation and implantation / Extraction, tissue management and implant surgery over the long term / Horizontal ridge augmentation and implantation / A pipeline filled with groundbreaking innovations / Finding the missing pieces of the puzzle in peri-implantitis / The logic behind the Bicon SHORT implant / Manufacturer news / The city of love as backdrop for a successful German–Italian congress / Events / News / Imprint /
01 - 01 -
03 - 03 -
04 - 04 -
L-PRF in different intraoral applications Part IV: Three preparation protocols
06 - 10 -
Horizontal ridge augmentation and implantation
12 - 16 -
Extraction, tissue management and implant surgery over the long term
18 - 20 -
Horizontal ridge augmentation and implantation
22 - 26 -
A pipeline filled with groundbreaking innovations
28 - 30 -
Finding the missing pieces of the puzzle in peri-implantitis
32 - 33 -
The logic behind the Bicon SHORT implant
34 - 37 -
Manufacturer news
38 - 42 -
The city of love as backdrop for a successful German–Italian congress
44 - 45 -
46 - 47 -
48 - 49 -
50 - 50