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Ultimele numere
implants international No. 2, 2018
Cover / Editorial / Content / L-PRF in different intraoral applications - Part II: Open-flap debridement & ridge preservation / Fixed complete prosthesis with no screws and no cement - New restoration concept using LOCATOR F-Tx® / Biomechanical considerations in solving demanding cases / Mandibular dental reconstruction / Guided bone regeneration in smokers - Use of synthetic bone blocks / Implant digital workflow opportunities / Dynamic navigation by innovative registration / Bone loss around tapered implants with split coronal microthreads / Manufaturer News / Oral Reconstruction Global Symposium 2018 / Discovering new horizons - bredent group days in Goa, India / Academy of Osseointegration Annual Meeting 2018 / News / Imprint /
01 - 01 -
03 - 03 -
04 - 04 -
L-PRF in different intraoral applications - Part II: Open-flap debridement & ridge preservation
06 - 10 -
Fixed complete prosthesis with no screws and no cement - New restoration concept using LOCATOR F-Tx®
12 - 17 -
Biomechanical considerations in solving demanding cases
18 - 24 -
Mandibular dental reconstruction
26 - 28 -
Guided bone regeneration in smokers - Use of synthetic bone blocks
30 - 33 -
Implant digital workflow opportunities
34 - 37 -
Dynamic navigation by innovative registration
38 - 41 -
Bone loss around tapered implants with split coronal microthreads
42 - 43 -
Manufaturer News
44 - 47 -
Oral Reconstruction Global Symposium 2018
48 - 49 -
Discovering new horizons - bredent group days in Goa, India
50 - 50 -
Academy of Osseointegration Annual Meeting 2018
52 - 52 -
56 - 57 -
58 - 58