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Ultimele numere
implants international No. 1, 2020
Cover / Editorial / Content / The dos and don’ts in the handling of PRF / Success rate of dental implants in heavy smokers / Implant-retained overdenture on a very thin bone ridge / Peri-implant bone regeneration through laser decontamination - Endoscopic paracrestal tunnel technique / Sixteen years of follow-up after insertion of a Z1 implant / Industry / Practice Management: Feedback done right! / Interview: Reshaping implantology - New solution to reduce guesswork of site preparation / Interview: The link between oral disease and oxidative stress / Manufacturer News / News / Imprint /
01 - 01 -
03 - 03 -
04 - 04 -
The dos and don’ts in the handling of PRF
06 - 10 -
Success rate of dental implants in heavy smokers
12 - 15 -
Implant-retained overdenture on a very thin bone ridge
16 - 20 -
Peri-implant bone regeneration through laser decontamination - Endoscopic paracrestal tunnel technique
22 - 27 -
Sixteen years of follow-up after insertion of a Z1 implant
28 - 30 -
31 - 33 -
Practice Management: Feedback done right!
34 - 35 -
Interview: Reshaping implantology - New solution to reduce guesswork of site preparation
36 - 37 -
Interview: The link between oral disease and oxidative stress
38 - 39 -
Manufacturer News
40 - 43 -
44 - 48 -
50 - 50