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Ultimele numere
implants international No. 1, 2016
Cover / Editorial / Content / Basic evaluation of an antimicrobial gel for peri-implantitis treatment / Lateral maxillary incisor implant–Key issues for aesthetic success / Maxillary implant supported removable or fixed prostheses / The indispensable use of CBCT in the posterior mandible / Industry / Manufacturer news / Nobel Biocare Global Symposium: Where innovation comes to life / News / Imprint /
01 - 01 -
03 - 03 -
04 - 04 -
Basic evaluation of an antimicrobial gel for peri-implantitis treatment
06 - 14 -
Lateral maxillary incisor implant–Key issues for aesthetic success
16 - 23 -
Maxillary implant supported removable or fixed prostheses
24 - 29 -
The indispensable use of CBCT in the posterior mandible
30 - 34 -
36 - 42 -
Manufacturer news
44 - 45 -
Nobel Biocare Global Symposium: Where innovation comes to life
46 - 46 -
48 - 49 -
50 - 50