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Ultimele numere
implants international No. 1, 2015
Cover / Editorial / Content / Non-compromised aesthetics with multiple single implants in the anterior maxillae / Gingival recessions using a 3-D collagen matrix / Aadva implant in private practice / Use of a full-arch bridge in the maxilla / How a modern implant system is developed / Straumann provides exclusive insights into production site / Manufacturer News / Becoming Fred — Howto deliver extraordinary results / “DGZI and its training programme is internationally highly regarded” / IDS 2015 — Implantology with innovation potential / The manwho made people smile / News / About the publisher /
01 - 01 -
03 - 03 -
04 - 04 -
Non-compromised aesthetics with multiple single implants in the anterior maxillae
06 - 11 -
Gingival recessions using a 3-D collagen matrix
12 - 14 -
Aadva implant in private practice
16 - 21 -
Use of a full-arch bridge in the maxilla
22 - 28 -
How a modern implant system is developed
30 - 31 -
Straumann provides exclusive insights into production site
32 - 32 -
Manufacturer News
34 - 35 -
Becoming Fred — Howto deliver extraordinary results
36 - 37 -
“DGZI and its training programme is internationally highly regarded”
38 - 43 -
IDS 2015 — Implantology with innovation potential
44 - 45 -
The manwho made people smile
46 - 47 -
48 - 49 -
About the publisher
50 - 50