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Ultimele numere
implants international No. 1, 2012
Cover / Editorial / Content / The most important years in implantology / Consideration of an uncommon approach in the atrophied posterior zone / Immediate functional loading of the edentulous mandible / New concepts in computer-guided implantology / The same-day tooth: From the diagnosis to the final restoration / Minimally invasive crown lengthening as an alternative to implant treatment / Annual award for the advancement of dental research and development / Promotion of knowledge and international exchange at 20 ITI Scholarship Centers / Mastering Tissue Response Successfully / International events / Manufacturer News / News / About the publisher / Subscription /
01 - 01 -
03 - 03 -
04 - 04 -
The most important years in implantology
06 - 12 -
Consideration of an uncommon approach in the atrophied posterior zone
14 - 16 -
Immediate functional loading of the edentulous mandible
18 - 20 -
New concepts in computer-guided implantology
22 - 27 -
The same-day tooth: From the diagnosis to the final restoration
28 - 32 -
Minimally invasive crown lengthening as an alternative to implant treatment
34 - 36 -
Annual award for the advancement of dental research and development
38 - 38 -
Promotion of knowledge and international exchange at 20 ITI Scholarship Centers
39 - 39 -
Mastering Tissue Response Successfully
40 - 40 -
International events
41 - 41 -
Manufacturer News
42 - 46 -
48 - 49 -
About the publisher
50 - 50 -
51 - 51