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Ultimele numere
implants international
Cover / Editorial / Content / Single molar restoration / Implant fracture: A look at the physical mechanisms for failure / In vitro wear of human enamel opposing YTZP zirconia / Sinus lift without scalpel / 3-D alveolar ridge reconstruction in a case with severe bone loss / The use of polylactide-coated ß-TCP / Meetings / Manufacturer News / Social News / Submission Guidelines / Imprint /
01 - 01 -
03 - 03 -
04 - 04 -
Single molar restoration
06 - 10 -
Implant fracture: A look at the physical mechanisms for failure
12 - 13 -
In vitro wear of human enamel opposing YTZP zirconia
14 - 23 -
Sinus lift without scalpel
24 - 27 -
3-D alveolar ridge reconstruction in a case with severe bone loss
28 - 30 -
The use of polylactide-coated ß-TCP
32 - 36 -
37 - 43 -
Manufacturer News
44 - 46 -
Social News
48 - 48 -
Submission Guidelines
49 - 49 -
50 - 50