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Ultimele numere
implants international
Cover / Editorial & Content / Timing of dental implant loading / Lateralization of the inferior alveolar nerve / Piezoelectric repositioning of the inferior alveolar nerve / Success without using cement / Comparing various implant designs and surfaces / International Events / 3rd International CAMLOG Congress / Manufacturer News / Social News / Submission Guidelines / Imprint /
01 - 01 -
Editorial & Content
02 - 04 -
Timing of dental implant loading
06 - 16 -
Lateralization of the inferior alveolar nerve
18 - 21 -
Piezoelectric repositioning of the inferior alveolar nerve
22 - 25 -
Success without using cement
26 - 27 -
Comparing various implant designs and surfaces
28 - 32 -
International Events
34 - 41 -
3rd International CAMLOG Congress
42 - 43 -
Manufacturer News
44 - 47 -
Social News
48 - 48 -
Submission Guidelines
49 - 49 -
50 - 52