implants C.E. No. 3, 2013 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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implants C.E. No. 3, 2013

Ultimele numere

implants C.E. No. 3, 2013

Cover / Content / Immediate implant placement and conventional loading of a maxillary central incisor / Surgical predictability of vertical GBR in the posterior mandible: flap design - management and passivation of soft tissues as principal keys for success / Technology and biology converge in the ‘Valley of the Sun’ / ICOI to host its World Congress XXX in Istanbul - Turkey / Registration now open for the 7th International Congress on 3D Dental Imaging / Reduce treatment time with digital dentistry / Investing in CBCT... Can you afford not to? / Fascinating ergonomics Surgical straight and contra-angle handpieces / Intra-Lock reveals BLOSSOM design / Imprint /
