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Ultimele numere
cosmetic dentistry international No. 2, 2015
Cover / Editorial / Content / Why dentistry needs branding / Daily work with Coachman’s Digital Smile Design protocol / Aesthetic Digital Smile Design: Software-aided aesthetic dentistry—Part II / ‘No-Prep’ adhesive restorations: another way to deal with aesthetic deficiencies / Front-tooth restoration to go / Anatomical pin: A clinical case report / Non-compromised aesthetics with multiple single implants in the anterior maxillae / What do our teeth betray about us?—Part I / Interview: “We are still pretty much in shock” / Bio-Emulation movement continues to grow / International events / Submission guidelines / Imprint /
01 - 01 -
03 - 03 -
04 - 04 -
Why dentistry needs branding
06 - 07 -
Daily work with Coachman’s Digital Smile Design protocol
08 - 11 -
Aesthetic Digital Smile Design: Software-aided aesthetic dentistry—Part II
12 - 17 -
‘No-Prep’ adhesive restorations: another way to deal with aesthetic deficiencies
18 - 22 -
Front-tooth restoration to go
24 - 26 -
Anatomical pin: A clinical case report
28 - 32 -
Non-compromised aesthetics with multiple single implants in the anterior maxillae
34 - 39 -
What do our teeth betray about us?—Part I
40 - 43 -
Interview: “We are still pretty much in shock”
44 - 45 -
Bio-Emulation movement continues to grow
46 - 47 -
International events
48 - 48 -
Submission guidelines
49 - 49 -
50 - 50