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Ultimele numere
cosmetic dentistry international No. 2, 2011
Cover / Editorial / Content / Healthy and harmonised function via computer-guided occlusal force management / A banker’s bond: When less is more / Wanted: Whiter - brighter teeth / iPad in business: Advancing digital dentistry / Confocal microscopy investigation of enamel subsurface structure following bleaching / Compobond: Evolution of a new restorative dental material / One step closer to nature: Imitating natural optical properties using lithium-disilicate restorations / Happy Birthday Pola! / Record-breaking IDS 2011 / International Events / Submission Guidelines / Imprint /
01 - 01 -
03 - 03 -
04 - 04 -
Healthy and harmonised function via computer-guided occlusal force management
06 - 12 -
A banker’s bond: When less is more
14 - 16 -
Wanted: Whiter - brighter teeth
18 - 19 -
iPad in business: Advancing digital dentistry
20 - 21 -
Confocal microscopy investigation of enamel subsurface structure following bleaching
22 - 25 -
Compobond: Evolution of a new restorative dental material
26 - 37 -
One step closer to nature: Imitating natural optical properties using lithium-disilicate restorations
38 - 40 -
Happy Birthday Pola!
42 - 42 -
Record-breaking IDS 2011
44 - 46 -
International Events
48 - 48 -
Submission Guidelines
49 - 49 -
50 - 50