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Ultimele numere
cosmetic dentistry international No. 1, 2011
Cover / Editorial / Content / Reattachment and build-up of fractured maxillary central incisors / Laser-assisted cosmetic dentistry—A case report / Integration of aesthetics and function with composite resins / Restoring missing mandibular incisors with implants—What makes you hesitate? / An interview with Dr José Roberto Moura - IFED President / An interview with Olaf Sauerbier - CEO of VOCO GmbH / The Inman Aligner—Alignment - bleaching - bonding: A progressive approach to smile design (Part II) / CLEARFIL SA CEMENT—Easy to remove - hard to forget! / Aesthetic restoration created with composite / Class II fillings in everyday clinical work / Lithium disilicate meets zirconium oxide / International Events / Submission Guidelines / Imprint /
01 - 01 -
03 - 03 -
04 - 04 -
Reattachment and build-up of fractured maxillary central incisors
06 - 13 -
Laser-assisted cosmetic dentistry—A case report
14 - 16 -
Integration of aesthetics and function with composite resins
18 - 19 -
Restoring missing mandibular incisors with implants—What makes you hesitate?
20 - 24 -
An interview with Dr José Roberto Moura - IFED President
26 - 27 -
An interview with Olaf Sauerbier - CEO of VOCO GmbH
28 - 29 -
The Inman Aligner—Alignment - bleaching - bonding: A progressive approach to smile design (Part II)
30 - 35 -
CLEARFIL SA CEMENT—Easy to remove - hard to forget!
36 - 40 -
Aesthetic restoration created with composite
42 - 43 -
Class II fillings in everyday clinical work
44 - 44 -
Lithium disilicate meets zirconium oxide
46 - 46 -
International Events
48 - 48 -
Submission Guidelines
49 - 49 -
50 - 50