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cosmetic dentistry international
Cover / Editorial / Content / Cosmetic periodontal surgery: Pre-prosthetic soft-tissue ridge augmentation (Part I) / Complete maxillary implant prosthodontic rehabilitation utilising a CAD/CAM fixed prosthesis / Aesthetic functional veneers in patients with habitual dysfunctions? / A new approach for patient acceptance and appreciation / Maintenance of periodontally compromised teeth with direct splinting—current materials and options / Minimally invasive cosmetic dentistry―Concept and treatment protocol / CAD/CAM expands the scope of restorative dentistry / Safety and reliability with CAD/CAM technology / Smile upgrade—Highly aesthetic composite restorations in the anterior region / Events / Submissions / Imprint /
01 - 01 -
03 - 03 -
04 - 04 -
Cosmetic periodontal surgery: Pre-prosthetic soft-tissue ridge augmentation (Part I)
06 - 09 -
Complete maxillary implant prosthodontic rehabilitation utilising a CAD/CAM fixed prosthesis
10 - 12 -
Aesthetic functional veneers in patients with habitual dysfunctions?
14 - 17 -
A new approach for patient acceptance and appreciation
18 - 21 -
Maintenance of periodontally compromised teeth with direct splinting—current materials and options
22 - 26 -
Minimally invasive cosmetic dentistry―Concept and treatment protocol
28 - 33 -
CAD/CAM expands the scope of restorative dentistry
34 - 38 -
Safety and reliability with CAD/CAM technology
40 - 43 -
Smile upgrade—Highly aesthetic composite restorations in the anterior region
44 - 46 -
48 - 48 -
49 - 49 -
50 - 50