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Ultimele numere
cosmetic dentistry international
Cover / Editorial / Content / The Inman Aligner—An effective tool for minimally invasive cosmetic dentistry (Part I) / A simplified method for the removal of cemented implant prosthetics / Bite alteration for reducing gummy smiles: Two case reports / Provisional restorations in complex restorative cases / In vitro bleaching study with a 20 % hydrogen-peroxide system / The gold standard / You can’t always get what you want (unless you ask clearly!) / An interview with Prof Albert Mehl - University of Zürich / Minimally invasive anterior restorations with non-prep veneers / Compatibility of products offers flexibility / International Events / Submission Guidelines / Imprint /
01 - 01 -
03 - 03 -
04 - 04 -
The Inman Aligner—An effective tool for minimally invasive cosmetic dentistry (Part I)
06 - 12 -
A simplified method for the removal of cemented implant prosthetics
14 - 17 -
Bite alteration for reducing gummy smiles: Two case reports
18 - 22 -
Provisional restorations in complex restorative cases
24 - 26 -
In vitro bleaching study with a 20 % hydrogen-peroxide system
28 - 32 -
The gold standard
34 - 35 -
You can’t always get what you want (unless you ask clearly!)
36 - 38 -
An interview with Prof Albert Mehl - University of Zürich
40 - 41 -
Minimally invasive anterior restorations with non-prep veneers
42 - 45 -
Compatibility of products offers flexibility
46 - 46 -
International Events
48 - 48 -
Submission Guidelines
49 - 49 -
50 - 50