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Ultimele numere
cosmetic dentistry international
Cover / Editorial / Content / Orthodontic surgery and aesthetics / Fixed prosthodontic management of a mutilated dentition: A team approach / Replacement of a faulty posterior restoration / Simplified digital impression-taking / The new NobelProcera system for clinical success: The next level of CAD/CAM dentistry / Aesthetics with all-ceramics and tooth whitening / Learning and applying the Natural Layering Concept / Amaris Gingiva— A beautiful smile - naturally / IDS flourishes despite economic trouble / Events / Submissions / Imprint /
01 - 01 -
03 - 03 -
04 - 04 -
Orthodontic surgery and aesthetics
06 - 10 -
Fixed prosthodontic management of a mutilated dentition: A team approach
12 - 16 -
Replacement of a faulty posterior restoration
18 - 20 -
Simplified digital impression-taking
22 - 24 -
The new NobelProcera system for clinical success: The next level of CAD/CAM dentistry
26 - 31 -
Aesthetics with all-ceramics and tooth whitening
32 - 34 -
Learning and applying the Natural Layering Concept
36 - 42 -
Amaris Gingiva— A beautiful smile - naturally
44 - 44 -
IDS flourishes despite economic trouble
46 - 47 -
48 - 48 -
49 - 49 -
50 - 50