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CAD/CAM international No.1, 2020

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CAD/CAM international No.1, 2020

Cover / Editorial / Content / Interview: Advantages of a digital workflow / New paradigm in aesthetic restoration / Mill, polish, seat! Indirect procedures in the dental workflow / Anterior restoration with CAD/CAM veneers made of VITABLOCS TriLuxe forte / The complete digital implant workflow / Matching of CBCT and virtual wax-up for single-tooth replacement of a central incisor / Computer-aided, template-guided immediate implant placement and loading in the mandible / Making a perfect ceramic crown on a titanium abutment in the aesthetic zone - Overcoming a challenging situation step by step / An interview with Tillmann Steinbrecher, CEO and co-founder of exocad: “We are in the forefront of CAD/CAM software development” / Manufacturer news / “Excellence made easy” through speed, user friendliness and precision / CAD/CAM can be an incredible teaching tool / Submission guidelines / Imprint /
