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World Dental Daily Sydney Sept. 24–27, 2023

Ultimele numere

World Dental Daily Sydney Sept. 24–27, 2023

FDI World Dental Congress makes remarkable return / Stronger together: KaVo and Planmeca join forces for new dental imaging workflows / “The WDC is the ultimate manifestation of key professional ideals” An interview with Dr Stephen Liew, president of the Australian Dental Association / “There is so much opportunity to improve the quality of life of patients with head and neck tumours” An interview with Prof. Jonathan Clark, head and neck cancer expert / Prof. Purnima Kumar shares insights into her upcoming presentations at the World Dental Congress & An interview with Dr Shiamaa Shihab Ahmed al-Mashhadani on partially dentate patients / “Historically, oral health has been separated from the rest of health” An interview with Prof. Chris Vernazza on integrating oral healthcare into universal health coverage / “Maintaining good dental and oral health is crucial for lifelong quality of life” Dr Kakuhiro Fukai discusses the oral health challenges of an ageing population / Dental Check-up podcast / FDI World Dental Congress public health sessions / News / Industry / Floor plan & exhibitors / What’s on in Sydney /
