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Ultimele numere
World Dental Daily Istanbul 2024 Advance Issue
FDI to break records in Istanbul / News / Spotlight on speakers / Empowering the future leaders in dentistry at the Young Dentists Forum / A world with optimal oral health / FDI World Dental Congress sessions programme / Interview: “FDI’s Oral Health Observatory project came at a crucial time for Lebanon” / Industry / Interview: “Our contributions play a crucial role in advancing FDI’s vision and ensuring that its impact is felt worldwide” / Useful information /
FDI to break records in Istanbul
1 - 1 -
2 - 2 -
Spotlight on speakers
4 - 4 -
Empowering the future leaders in dentistry at the Young Dentists Forum
6 - 6 -
A world with optimal oral health
7 - 7 -
FDI World Dental Congress sessions programme
8 - 9 -
Interview: “FDI’s Oral Health Observatory project came at a crucial time for Lebanon”
11 - 11 -
12 - 12 -
Interview: “Our contributions play a crucial role in advancing FDI’s vision and ensuring that its impact is felt worldwide”
14 - 14 -
Useful information
15 - 15