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Ultimele numere
IADS Magazine international No. 4, 2020
Cover / Letter from the president / Editorial / Executive Committee / Chairmen of standing comittees / Regional ambassadors / Editorial board 2020 / 2021 / Index December 2020 / IADS Experience / The Global AMR youth Summit / AfroHESS Collaboration event report - December 2020 / IADS Experience / Interview with Prof. Dr. Markus Blatz / Empoderamiento de Estudiantes de Odontología para la Salud Pública / 4D Orthodontics / Dentistry today / IADS Hall of fame / Quiz / Dental approach to oncology patients / Dentistry on the reel - Is it real? / IADS Sneak peek /
01 - 01 -
Letter from the president
02 - 02 -
03 - 03 -
Executive Committee
04 - 04 -
Chairmen of standing comittees
05 - 05 -
Regional ambassadors
06 - 06 -
Editorial board 2020 / 2021
07 - 07 -
Index December 2020
08 - 08 -
IADS Experience
10 - 12 -
The Global AMR youth Summit
13 - 14 -
AfroHESS Collaboration event report - December 2020
15 - 15 -
IADS Experience
16 - 19 -
Interview with Prof. Dr. Markus Blatz
21 - 25 -
Empoderamiento de Estudiantes de Odontología para la Salud Pública
26 - 28 -
4D Orthodontics
29 - 30 -
Dentistry today
31 - 33 -
IADS Hall of fame
34 - 37 -
38 - 39 -
Dental approach to oncology patients
40 - 42 -
Dentistry on the reel - Is it real?
43 - 46 -
IADS Sneak peek
47 - 48