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IADS Magazine international No. 1, 2024

Ultimele numere

IADS Magazine international No. 1, 2024

Contents / Letter from the president / Word from the Editor-in-Chief / Executive Committee, Standing Committee Chairpersons, Regional Ambassadors and Editorial Board 2023/2024 / IADS exprience worldwide / Wold Oral Health Day 2023 activities / IADS 70th Annual Congress / Country profile: Guatemala / A journay into innovations withon minimally invasive dentistry / Between the mis abd mis-sed diagnosis of oral tunors: When to mark, biopsy and refer! / A journey of advocacy and impact: An exclusive interview with Elham Kateeb / Brightening smiles: explaining the truth behind commercial teeth whitening products / Toth be told: Tooth fairy tales around the globe / Partners, sponsors and endorsers /
