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Ultimele numere
Corporate e-paper The Modern Dental Practice
Cover / Editorial / Make every patient contact a personal one: Why communication is everything to your patients / Embrace the cloud and inherit the Earth / Being direct with extraoral imaging / Choosing intraoral radiography / Secure your reputation with secure-mail / Earn an extra $10 - 000 a month with just your phone! /
01 - 01 -
03 - 03 -
Make every patient contact a personal one: Why communication is everything to your patients
04 - 05 -
Embrace the cloud and inherit the Earth
06 - 07 -
Being direct with extraoral imaging
09 - 10 -
Choosing intraoral radiography
12 - 13 -
Secure your reputation with secure-mail
14 - 15 -
Earn an extra $10 - 000 a month with just your phone!
17 - 18