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implants international No. 3, 2022
Cover / Editorial / Content / Clinical relevance of the use of implant-supported provisional restorations to contour the emergence profile / All-on-four treatment in an atrophic mandible using dynamic guided surgery / Cystic lesion management with enucleation and reconstruction followed by delayed implant placement for maxillary premolars / Is autologous bone irreplaceable? - Bilateral vertical bone augmentation using allogeneic and autologous bone plates in the mandible / Immediately loaded full-arch restoration on four implants in the maxilla / “At Neoss, we have the luxury of being able to be more forward-oriented” / Interview: Quality products at accessible prices / Industry / Manufacturer News / Events / Imprint /
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Clinical relevance of the use of implant-supported provisional restorations to contour the emergence profile
6 - 11 -
All-on-four treatment in an atrophic mandible using dynamic guided surgery
12 - 15 -
Cystic lesion management with enucleation and reconstruction followed by delayed implant placement for maxillary premolars
16 - 23 -
Is autologous bone irreplaceable? - Bilateral vertical bone augmentation using allogeneic and autologous bone plates in the mandible
24 - 30 -
Immediately loaded full-arch restoration on four implants in the maxilla
32 - 33 -
“At Neoss, we have the luxury of being able to be more forward-oriented”
34 - 36 -
Interview: Quality products at accessible prices
38 - 38 -
40 - 40 -
Manufacturer News
41 - 45 -
46 - 49 -
50 - 50