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![implants international No. 3, 2015 implants international No. 3, 2015](https://dgoavhl867cjd.cloudfront.net/0001/01df501b/resize-crop(w=290;h=400):sharpen(level=0):output(format=jpeg)/up/dt/e-papers/15306/1.jpg)
implants international No. 3, 2015
Cover / Editorial / Content / Implant planning affects periimplant diseases: A time shift link / Quality of implant surfaces and poor osseointegration – Part II: Irregular surface roughness suspected of causing deficient osseointegration / Mandibular body reconstruction with a 3-D printed implant / Simplifying implantation in socket and ridge preservation / Immediate loading with dynamic navigation implant surgery / Manufacturer News / Interview: Implant design of the future / UNAMcongress opens in Mexico City: DGZI extends relationship to the university / EuroPerio in London / “Dental technology and implantology— Interface to success” / News / Imprint /
01 - 01 -
03 - 03 -
04 - 04 -
Implant planning affects periimplant diseases: A time shift link
06 - 15 -
Quality of implant surfaces and poor osseointegration – Part II: Irregular surface roughness suspected of causing deficient osseointegration
16 - 23 -
Mandibular body reconstruction with a 3-D printed implant
24 - 27 -
Simplifying implantation in socket and ridge preservation
28 - 33 -
Immediate loading with dynamic navigation implant surgery
34 - 37 -
Manufacturer News
38 - 40 -
Interview: Implant design of the future
42 - 43 -
UNAMcongress opens in Mexico City: DGZI extends relationship to the university
44 - 45 -
EuroPerio in London
46 - 47 -
“Dental technology and implantology— Interface to success”
48 - 48 -
49 - 49 -
50 - 50