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implants international No. 2, 2014
Cover / Editorial / Content / Injectable bone substitute based on ß-TCP granules / Use of allogeneic cortical granulate for external surgical sinus floor elevation / Complete prosthetic restoration in a patient with cleft palate / Optimized implant planning: DICOM-STL matching / Surgical procedures with minimally-invasive autologous bone block graft / Sinus augmentation with atelo-collagenated bovine bone graft Hypro-Oss™ / “The trend towards the medium-price range has accelerated” / Manufacturer News / Meetings / News / About the publisher /
01 - 01 -
03 - 03 -
04 - 04 -
Injectable bone substitute based on ß-TCP granules
06 - 12 -
Use of allogeneic cortical granulate for external surgical sinus floor elevation
14 - 18 -
Complete prosthetic restoration in a patient with cleft palate
20 - 23 -
Optimized implant planning: DICOM-STL matching
24 - 30 -
Surgical procedures with minimally-invasive autologous bone block graft
32 - 35 -
Sinus augmentation with atelo-collagenated bovine bone graft Hypro-Oss™
36 - 38 -
“The trend towards the medium-price range has accelerated”
40 - 41 -
Manufacturer News
42 - 43 -
44 - 47 -
48 - 49 -
About the publisher
50 - 01