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Ultimele numere
implants international No. 1, 2023
Cover / Editorial / Content / Guided maxillary arch implant restoration: Language and cross-border collaboration are no barrier with hybrid workflow / Peri-implantitis: Can it be treated without surgery? / Dual-wavelength laser treatment of osteotomy site to increase the success rate of implant placement / Immediate implant placement and bone grafting of a maxillary central incisor: A seven-year follow-up / Screw-retained restoration of a maxillary first premolar / The quest for safe and sterile implants / Acting against the silo effect / Industry / Manufacturer news / Events / News / Imprint /
1 - 1 -
3 - 3 -
4 - 4 -
Guided maxillary arch implant restoration: Language and cross-border collaboration are no barrier with hybrid workflow
6 - 12 -
Peri-implantitis: Can it be treated without surgery?
14 - 18 -
Dual-wavelength laser treatment of osteotomy site to increase the success rate of implant placement
20 - 24 -
Immediate implant placement and bone grafting of a maxillary central incisor: A seven-year follow-up
26 - 28 -
Screw-retained restoration of a maxillary first premolar
30 - 32 -
The quest for safe and sterile implants
34 - 35 -
Acting against the silo effect
36 - 37 -
38 - 39 -
Manufacturer news
40 - 41 -
42 - 46 -
48 - 49 -
50 - 50