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cosmetic dentistry international No. 1, 2017
Cover / Editorial / Content / Eleven tips for success in your dental clinic Part II: CAPS & CLIMB / Lighting in dental surgeries — frequently neglected requirements of the standard on illumination / Cosmetic enamel restoration using naturomimetic layering technique—Part I / Complex direct ORMOCER composite restorations in the posterior region / ‘ No-prep’ interceptive rehabilitation —of tooth wear using a free-hand technique driven by a functional wax-up / Aesthetic composite layering of implant-supported restorations in an edentulous jaw / Non-ablative melanin depigmentation of gingiva / New treatment protocol for periodontal pocket treatment / Update on teeth whitening and remineralisation with nHAp— 5 years after the EU regulations / Evaluation of the effectiveness of the professional home whitening with the new ENA White 2.0 / Manufacturer News / IMAGINA Dental— Digital technologies & Aesthetic dentistry congress / International Events / Submission guidelines / Imprint /
01 - 01 -
03 - 03 -
04 - 04 -
Eleven tips for success in your dental clinic Part II: CAPS & CLIMB
06 - 08 -
Lighting in dental surgeries — frequently neglected requirements of the standard on illumination
10 - 12 -
Cosmetic enamel restoration using naturomimetic layering technique—Part I
14 - 20 -
Complex direct ORMOCER composite restorations in the posterior region
22 - 24 -
‘ No-prep’ interceptive rehabilitation —of tooth wear using a free-hand technique driven by a functional wax-up
26 - 31 -
Aesthetic composite layering of implant-supported restorations in an edentulous jaw
32 - 35 -
Non-ablative melanin depigmentation of gingiva
36 - 39 -
New treatment protocol for periodontal pocket treatment
40 - 44 -
Update on teeth whitening and remineralisation with nHAp— 5 years after the EU regulations
46 - 49 -
Evaluation of the effectiveness of the professional home whitening with the new ENA White 2.0
50 - 54 -
Manufacturer News
56 - 56 -
IMAGINA Dental— Digital technologies & Aesthetic dentistry congress
58 - 58 -
International Events
60 - 60 -
Submission guidelines
61 - 61 -
62 - 62