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cosmetic dentistry international No. 4, 2012
Cover / Editorial / Content / The digitized occlusion: Using something old with something new / Practical periodontics in daily practice / Cost effectiveness in implant dentistry / The same-day tooth: From the diagnosis to the final restoration / Replacement of a single anterior tooth Surgical procedure and three-year results / Modified clinical approach for improved aesthetics in full-arch restoration / ESCD & SSER joint meeting in Bucharest—Some say “the best!” / CLEARFIL DC CORE PLUS KIT: Stressless and reliable / International Events / Submission guidelines / Imprint /
01 - 01 -
03 - 03 -
04 - 04 -
The digitized occlusion: Using something old with something new
06 - 13 -
Practical periodontics in daily practice
14 - 16 -
Cost effectiveness in implant dentistry
18 - 23 -
The same-day tooth: From the diagnosis to the final restoration
24 - 28 -
Replacement of a single anterior tooth Surgical procedure and three-year results
30 - 32 -
Modified clinical approach for improved aesthetics in full-arch restoration
34 - 37 -
ESCD & SSER joint meeting in Bucharest—Some say “the best!”
38 - 38 -
CLEARFIL DC CORE PLUS KIT: Stressless and reliable
39 - 39 -
International Events
40 - 40 -
Submission guidelines
41 - 41 -
42 - 42