CAD/CAM international No. 3, 2016 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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CAD/CAM international No. 3, 2016

Ultimele numere

CAD/CAM international No. 3, 2016

Cover / Editorial / Content / Interview: “I believe that the digital future holds promising prospects” / Materials and systems for all ceramic CAD/CAM restorations: A review of the literature / Thermoplastic materials in dental technology / Aesthetic replacement of maxillary premolar with immediate implant placement and metal ceramic crown over CAD/CAM abutment / Fixed and removable implant restorations: A solution for every arch / Adaptation of traditional working methods to the creation of Cr-Co ceramic restoration with CAD/CAM technology / Case report: Two approaches - one goal / Current and related literature abstracts / CBCT zones of the jaw: Bone quality related to implant location / Localized ridge augmentation utilising titanium mesh with CPS morsels and simultaneous implant placement—A case report / Manufacturer news / Interview: “The journey of innovating the clinical workflow has just begun” / International events / Submission guidelines / Imprint /
